To develop Fool’s mate, White must move their g-pawn up two squares and their f-pawn up one or two squares in the first two consecutive moves.

Just like Fool's mate, this mate can easily be avoided, if Blue keeps a check on Yellow in hand. Fool’s Mate is the fastest possible checkmate in chess, occurring only after two moves. But suppose both sides had the same goal to help cause a checkmate to their opponent via en passant. Now that we’ve established you’re not a fool, let’s make sure you stay that way and don’t become a victim of the dreaded two-move checkmate pattern known as fool’s mate.

This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves.
#Fastest checkmate in chess how to
Checkmating by en passant, however, is an even rarer occurrence. It’s also the fastest checkmate pattern in the game of Chess, meaning it’s delivered in the fewest number of moves with just two moves. by Editorial Staff in Checkmates Patterns, Chess Strategy In this post, you’ll discover how to quickly checkmate your opponent with the five fastest checkmates, and learn the two fundamental principles that will help you not become a victim of one of them. Green is in check and has to recapture the queen, but then Yellow mates with Qxn6#, if Blue does not intervene. En passant is somewhat of a rare move in chess. Then Red captures on n8 and Yellow plays Qh12. Red opens with h3 (or h4), Yellow plays h11 and Green plays l7 (or k7). This is a three-move mate in the Teams variant. This mate can easily be avoided, if Blue keeps a check on Yellow in hand. Red plays Qxn8+ and Yellow supports the queen with Bm7#. checkmate I Lewis Stiller, a 25-yearold graduate student, has solved a long-standing chess problem and has opened the door for analysis that was once. If Red and Yellow both open on the dark squares with h3 (or h4) and g12 (or g11), respectively, and Green also opens up the dark squared diagonals with l7 (or k7), then Green gets mated, if Blue does not intervene. Red plays Qxn8+ and Yellow supports the queen with Bm7. The fastest mate in the Teams variant takes only two moves. The fastest mate in the Teams variant takes only two moves.